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如果您難以獲得一種自然感覺的握弓,一種產生所需音色、触弦和力度的握弓,這裡有一個 5 步方法來為您的小提琴找到完美的握弓。
圖 1:將手翻過來,使手掌朝上。讓你的拇指向內彎曲。
1. 將右臂放在身側。注意你的手指是如何輕微捲曲的。保持手指放鬆,手腕鬆軟,彎曲肘部,將手抬至肩高。注意你的前四根手指的伸展。即使您的拇指已經向其他手指彎曲,將您的手翻過來,使手掌朝上,讓您的拇指向內彎曲,最有可能在最靠近中指尖的關節處觸摸中指(圖 1) .
圖 2:將您的手翻過來,但保持拇指向內彎曲。保持放松的本能姿势。
2. 現在將你的手翻過來,但保持拇指向內彎曲(圖 2)。这是天生的握弓法。
圖 3:將彎曲的右手拇指放在弓子的凹槽處,另一半放在弓桿上。
3. 現在添加弓。左手握住弓棒,弓毛朝向自己。將彎曲的右手拇指放在弓桿的凹槽處,另一半放在弓桿上(圖 3)。
圖 4:讓指甲上方的拇指部分靠在弓毛上。
4. 拇指應略微傾斜而不是垂直於棍子。讓指甲上方的拇指部分靠在弓毛上(圖 4)。這提供了支持和安全性。拇指可能會停在這裡,除非在弓尖附近彈奏。
5. 保持這個姿勢,將弓的上半部分放在左肩上,弓毛朝下,弓杆與地面平行。平衡你的肩膀和右手拇指尖之間的弓。保持拇指向下彎曲到弓毛,否則弓可能會從你手上滑落。在不破壞平衡的情況下,當手指自然下落時,輕輕地將手指放在弓桿上——小指尖在上面。你的前臂可能會向內旋轉。這便是一個輕鬆、放鬆的握弓法。
本期小提琴Youtube視頻教學 violin Youtube video teaching
Music is the sound of thinking.
If you have difficulty getting a natural-feeling bow hold, one that produces the desired tone colors, strokes, and dynamics, here is a 5-step approach to finding the perfect grip for your violin or viola bow.
As the foundation of your bow technique—literally how you and your bow connect—your bow hold can either support your technique or hinder it. Given the variety of bow holds demonstrated by talented artists throughout history, some argue that what you do with your bow is more important than how you hold it.
However, these variations exist because of anatomical differences between players, the musical tastes of the times, and misinterpretations, and not because it doesn’t matter.
A good bow hold feels so natural you hardly notice it and rarely think about it. It balances the elements of both flexibility and strength, facilitating complete command over the bow as a tool to produce a variety of tone colors, strokes, and dynamics. A troubled bow hold, on the other hand, has limitations in terms of flexibility and strength.
Fig. 1: Turn your hand over so the palm faces up. Let your thumb curl inward.
1. Rest your right arm at your side. Notice how your fingers curl slightly. Keeping this relaxation in your fingers, and your wrist floppy, bend your elbow and bring your hand up to shoulder height. Notice the spread of your top four fingers. Even if your thumb is already curling in toward the other fingers, turn your hand over so the palm faces up and let your thumb curl inward, most likely to touch the middle finger at the joint closest to the middle finger’s tip (Fig. 1).
Fig. 2: Turn your hand back over, but keep your thumb curling inward. That’s your natural hold.
2. Now turn your hand back over, but keep your thumb curling inward (Fig. 2). That’s your natural bow hold.
Fig. 3: Place your bent right thumb so that half of its tip rests on the lip of the frog and half of it rests on the bow stick.
3. Now add the bow. Hold the bow stick in the left hand, hair facing you. Place your bent right thumb so that half of its tip rests on the lip of the frog and half of it rests on the bow stick (Fig. 3).
Fig. 4: Allow the part of the thumb above the nail to lean against the hair.
4. The thumb should be slightly angled rather than vertical to the stick. Allow the part of the thumb above the nail to lean against the hair (Fig. 4). This provides support and security. The thumb will likely rest here except when playing near the tip of the bow.
5. Keeping this position, rest the upper half of the bow on your left shoulder, hair down, bow stick parallel to the floor. Balance the bow between your shoulder and the right thumb tip. Keep your thumb bent down to the hair or the bow might roll away from you. Without upsetting the balance, lightly lower your fingers to the stick as the fingers fall naturally—the first three over, the pinkie tip on top. Your forearm will likely rotate inward. That should be a light, relaxed bow hold.
Music is the sound of thinking.