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3個重點令你更清晰去選擇你的吉他 Pick !!
Pick 外型
吉他撥片的形狀對您彈奏時的舒適度起著重要作用。 pick形狀是一件非常個人化的事情,吉他手傾向於堅持某種形狀。
Pick形狀最重要的部分是指向琴弦的尖端。 這是與琴弦接觸的部分,因此它的形狀很重要。
一般而言,較圓的尖端會產生更柔和的聲音,但使您在演奏時不那麼靈活。 它們適合彈奏較輕鬆音樂風格。
整體較圓的吉他pick,大而圓的形狀非常適合自彈自唱或彈奏和弦的吉他手。 大尺寸讓吉他手有足夠的抓地力,這意味著他不太可能掉下來, 圓形意味著他在彈奏時無需擔心準確性。
彈奏較輕鬆曲風的吉他手通常喜歡較大的pick。 大的pick更容易握持和彈奏和弦,而無需擔心準確性或pick的靈活性。
Pick 質料
上圖是印有烏龜圖案的Dunlop pick,它用了名為聚甲醛樹脂(Delrin),Delrin 是一種由杜邦製造的塑料,它的耐用度相比賽璐珞好很多,而且亦相對較硬。
Delrin pick通常採用純色,因為好用,每家樂器行幾乎都有販售。
還有是尼龍(Nylon),其中一個特色是可以在 Pick上製作浮雕字,提供了額外的抓力,這種Pick很適合有手汗的朋友。
以上三種(賽璐珞、聚甲醛樹脂、尼龍) 都是屬於塑膠製成的pick,他們都是較主流的。除了塑膠以外,一些少見的材質有木頭、石頭、金屬、羊毛和棉的材料。
一般木材質的Pick 比較軟,實際消耗會很快,價格又較高,通常都是收藏用。
Pick 厚度
通常每一片Pick都會標示厚度在上面,可見從粉紫色Pick .46mm- 深紫色Pick 2.0mm。
Pick的厚度在彈奏和音色上有很大的影響。 即使是厚度的微小變化也會在音色和可玩性上產生明顯的變化。
pick越厚,它變得越硬。 雖厚尼龍pick仍然非常靈活,但厚的 Delrin pick幾乎沒有彎曲。
薄pick — 厚度小於 0.60 毫米的pick被認為是薄的。細長的pick非常靈活,尤其是尼龍,可以用較少的低音或中音產生更輕的音色。
正常厚度pick — 厚度在 0.60 到 0.80 毫米之間。在這個範圍內的pick開始變得更硬,額外的硬度改變了彈奏琴弦的方式。會獲得更多的低音和中音,以及音量更大。
厚pick – 厚度超過 0.80 毫米的撥片。厚厚的撥片非常堅硬,為低音和中音增加了很多。嘗試用厚pick在木吉他上彈奏和弦,您會聽到響亮的聲音。
許多演奏快速交替撥弦的主音吉他手使用厚撥片,例如 Dunlop Jazz III(厚度為 1.38 毫米),並覺得它使快速撥弦更輕鬆、更舒適。
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3 key points make it clearer to choose your guitar Pick!!
Picks are personal belongings of many guitarists, especially electric guitarists, who have at least a few Picks on them.
Due to the needs of users, guitar Pick has developed various materials and thicknesses.
This article will introduce various types of Pick from three aspects: Shape, material, and thickness!
Shape of Pick
In fact, there are many different Pick shapes: triangle, drop shape, pentagonal shape, irregular shape.
The shape of the guitar pick plays an important role in the comfort of your playing. The pick shape is a very personal thing, and guitarists tend to stick to a certain shape.
If you have never tried a different pick shape before, you need to try it. You may find a shape that surprises you and completely changes the way you play.
Each shape is suitable for different types or styles of guitarists:
The most important part of the Pick shape is to point to the tip of the string. This is the part that is in contact with the strings, so its shape is very important.
Generally speaking, a rounder tip produces a softer sound, but makes you less flexible when playing. They are suitable for playing more relaxed music styles.
The overall rounder guitar pick, the large and round shape is very suitable for guitarists who sing and play chords. The large size gives the guitarist enough grip, which means he is unlikely to fall off, and the round shape means he doesn’t need to worry about accuracy when playing.
Guitarists who play fast alternating plucked strings or complex solos usually prefer sharp point.
How to choose the size?
Smaller picks are easier to grip, and are generally used for speed playing style of music. Smaller picks feel like they give you more precision.
The bigger it is, the thicker the string is, such as bass; the smaller the piece, the more suitable it is for thin strings, such as electric guitars.
Guitarists who play a lighter style usually prefer a larger pick. Large picks are easier to hold and play chords without worrying about accuracy or pick flexibility.
Material of Pick
The above picture is the most common Pick on the market. It has a jewel-like appearance. The material used for this Pick is Celluloid. The price is cheap, but the disadvantage is that it is not durable and will inadvertently crack after a period of use, so this kind of Pick is suitable for practice.
The picture above is a Dunlop pick with a tortoise graphic printed on it. It uses Delrin. Delrin is a plastic made by DuPont. Its durability is much better than that of Celluloid, and it is also relatively hard.
Delrin picks usually use solid colors because they are easy to use and are sold in almost every musical instrument store.
There is also nylon, one of the features is that you can make emboss printing on the Pick, which provides extra grip. This kind of Pick is very suitable for friends with sweaty hands.
Nylon is a very flexible plastic and has been the first choice of many guitarists for decades. Nylon picks were used in most early rock or blues music.
The above three types (celluloid, Delrin, nylon) are all picks made of plastic, and they are more mainstream. In addition to plastic, some rare materials are wood, stone, metal, wool and cotton.
Generally, picks made of wood are relatively soft, and the actual consumption will be very fast, and the price is higher, and they are usually used for collection.
Stone made guitar picks are very hard, which has a great influence on the sound and performance.
Metal Picks are often modified as accessories to wear. They are not very useful for playing and are also used for collection.
Thickness of Pick
Usually each piece of Pick will be marked with the thickness on it, which can be seen from pink purple Pick .46mm-dark purple Pick 2.0mm.
The thickness of the pick has a great influence on playing and timbre. Even small changes in thickness can produce significant changes in timbre and playability.
The thicker the pick, the harder it becomes. Although the thick nylon pick is still very flexible, the thick Delrin pick hardly bends.
How different pick thicknesses affect the tone:
Thin picks — Picks with a thickness of less than 0.60 mm are considered thin. The slender pick is very flexible, especially nylon, which can produce a lighter tone with less bass or midrange.
Think of a lightly played acoustic guitar, and you will know what a thin pick sounds like. Many acoustic guitarists use nylon picks to play, and a thinner Pick will be more suitable for chord accompaniment.
Normal thickness picks — the thickness is between 0.60 and 0.80 mm. Picks in this range start to become harder, and the extra stiffness changes the way the strings are played. Will get more bass and midrange tone, and louder.
Rhythm guitarists usually prefer this kind of pick, because a harder pick makes it easier to perform improvisations and rhythm parts accurately.
Thick picks — picks that are thicker than 0.80 mm. The thick picks are very hard and add a lot to the bass and midrange. Try playing a chord on an acoustic guitar with a thick pick, and you will hear a loud sound.
Guitarists often use thick picks in heavy or aggressive music styles. Hard picks can reflect a solid tone.
Many lead guitarists who play fast alternate plucking use thick picks, such as Dunlop Jazz III (1.38 mm thick), and feel that it makes quick plucking easier and more comfortable.
I believe you already know the type of Pick. Pick this stuff encourages you to try more, buy a few Picks and try it!
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