




1. 設定明確的目標


  • 每天,為你想要完成的練習項目以及你想要練習多少時間設定明確的目標,並制定一個計劃。
  • 你可以將長期目標分成更小的部分,並為自己制定每月、每周和每天的目標。
  • 例如,如果您想在 6 個月內演奏一首快速高難道的作品。 從今天開始以一半速度練習,在聽起來乾淨、清晰和一致之前不要加快。 每週完結前,為下週的設定一個新目標,下週再設定一個目標。



2. 消除乾擾


  • 如果你很容易被你的手機短信分心,把你的手機關閉或藏起來,直到你休息才會看它。
  • 使用手機時離開房間,在你的練習室中營造無電話氛圍,這樣你的誘惑就會隨著時間而減弱。
  • 你會驚訝於你節省了多少時間一旦常見的干擾都被消除。



3. 記錄自己(錄影或錄音)


  • 在每種情況下記錄自己都有幫助。記錄自己的日常練習,您可能會對所聽到的感到驚訝。這可能是最令人謙卑或沮喪的練習,但它會幫助您比其他任何事情都更快地成長。
  • 如果你不知道自己的缺陷,你就不會知道如何改變方向來糾正它們。
  • 如果你即將進行表演,建議你錄影自己並觀察自己的演奏姿勢。



4. 寫下筆記


  • 在你的樂譜上寫下你的筆記:指法、常犯錯的地方、力度等。
  • 不要等到你犯了兩次錯誤才寫提醒或更正。
  • 錯誤練習得越多,忘記錯誤並重新學習正確方法所需的時間就越長。



5. 多聽


  • 除了聽自己的練習錄音,聽聽最優秀的演奏家如何演繹。
  • 多聆聽優秀的演繹錄音可以讓你去學習和參考其他人的演繹,並有機會用在自己的彈奏上。



6. 不要害怕尋求幫助


  • 如果您遇到困難,請不要害怕尋求幫助。 無論你是無法練好某個段落,無法處理一首歌,缺乏靈感,或者是不確定從哪裡開始,都可以尋求幫助。
  • 每個音樂家不可能從一開始就懂得所有,他們都需要支持及幫助。
  • 隨著網絡發展以及全球化,知識的傳遞亦變得更便利,你再也沒有藉口不尋求幫助



7. 例行的練習


  • 不要忘記在你的日常生活中保持一致性。
  • 如果你有基本的日常工作,請堅持下去,然後在剩餘的時間裡發揮創意, 堅持你每天練習的時間表。
  • 沒有一致性,自律就會動搖,最終結果也會減少。



練習一項技能可能會帶來壓力,有時也會令人沮喪, 要堅持一個例行公事有時會讓人覺得不可能。 有時您會因為不可避免的情況(疾病)而無法練習,而有時您會因為故意跳過練習(懶惰)。 不管發生什麼,對自己好一點, 保持一致,專注於你的目標。




 7 tips to make your practice more time-saving and efficient


As a musician, no doubt you have spent a lot of time practicing. Have you made full use of your practice time? Your time is precious, and following 7 tips can make your practice more efficient.



1. Set clear goals


  • Every day, set clear goals and make a plan for the practice items you want to complete and how much time you want to practice.
  • You can divide your long-term goals into smaller parts and set monthly, weekly, and daily goals for yourself.
  • For example, if you want to play a fast and hard song in 6 months. Practice at half the speed from today, don’t speed up until it sounds clean, clear and consistent. Before the end of each week, set a new goal for the next week, and set another goal for the next week.



2. Eliminate interference


  • If you are easily distracted by your cell phone text messages, turn off or hide your cell phone and not watch it until you rest.
  • Leave the room when using your mobile phone and create a phone-free atmosphere in your practice room so that your temptation will diminish over time.
  • You will be surprised how much time you have saved once common disturbances are eliminated.



3. Record yourself (video or audio recording)


  • It helps to document yourself in every situation. Record your daily practice, you may be surprised by what you hear. This may be the most humble or frustrating exercise, but it will help you grow faster than anything else.
  • If you don't know your flaws, you won't know how to change direction to correct them.
  • If you are about to perform, it is recommended that you record yourself and observe your playing posture.



4. Write down notes


  • Write down your notes on your sheet music: fingering, frequent mistakes, dynamic, etc.
  • Don't wait until you make two mistakes to write a reminder or correction.
  • The more mistakes you practice, the longer it will take to forget the mistakes and relearn the correct methods.



5. Listen more


  • In addition to listening to your own practice recordings, listen to how the best performers perform.
  • Listening to excellent performance recordings allows you to learn and refer to other people's performances, and have the opportunity to use them in your own performance.



6. Don't be afraid to ask for help


  • If you encounter difficulties, don't be afraid to ask for help. Whether you can't practice a certain passage, can't handle a song, lack inspiration, or are not sure where to start, you can ask for help.
  • It is impossible for every musician to know everything from the beginning, they all need support and help.
  • With the development of the Internet and globalization, the transfer of knowledge has become more convenient, and you no longer have an excuse not to seek help.



7. Routine exercises


  • Don't forget to maintain consistency in your daily life.
  • If you have a basic daily work, please stick to it, and then use the remaining time to be creative and stick to your daily practice schedule.
  • Without consistency, self-discipline will be shaken, and the end result will be reduced.



Practicing a skill can be stressful and sometimes frustrating, and sticking to a routine can sometimes feel impossible. Sometimes you will not be able to practice due to unavoidable circumstances (illness), and sometimes you will deliberately skip practice (laziness). No matter what happens, be nice to yourself, be consistent, and focus on your goals.