須要知道吉他音箱知識: 從今好好選購你的吉他Amp


這個世界上有各種各樣的吉他音箱。 要區分差異,首先要了解音箱的知識。



Amp是Amplifer的縮寫,代表放大的意思,也即是指音箱將電吉他弦傳遞出的電子信號放大後再以較大音量播出。吉他音箱主要由前級(Per-Amp)、後級(Power Amp) 、喇叭(Speaker cabinet)三個部分所構成。
  • 前級擴大器(Per-Amp),負責第一階段的訊號處理,接受電子信號並將其訊號扭曲變化。其中包含訊號的增益(gain)、各憑率的調整(音色個性)、以及效果處理(reverb)等。
  • 後級擴大器or 功率擴大器(Power Amp)。負責放大前級擴大器處理過的訊號。當音量越大聲時,所需要的功率就愈大。音色的好壞有一定程度上取決於後級擴大器。
  • 音箱箱體or 喇叭,其大小會影響低音的反射。但通常這部份都由製造商研究設計過,購買者不需太在意。


1. 真空管: 音色最溫暖和樸實是搖滾和藍調樂手摯愛,在前級放大及功率放大電路中使用真空管的音箱
2. 電晶體: 使用電晶體的音箱,音色銳利,重量較真空管的輕,壽命也較長
3. 數位電路: 較新的產物,利用數位方式進行放大,耗電量低、聲音乾淨,多數內置合成效果器。
自家或練習使用:10~20W的小型款。在家玩的時候,放肆的放大音量是不可能的。 即使購買中型音箱,也只能使用小音量,導致低音域表現不佳,所以10~20W的小型款會最為合適。
雖然在不連接揚聲器的情況下也可以彈奏電吉他,但如果練習時聲音太小,最終會對演奏者產生各種不利影響。 例如彈奏時使用的力度、顫音的力度、推弦時的音高、和弦的控制等。 因為接上音箱的效果始終有一定的不同,所以為了不要浪費你的練習,務必使用音箱
以下一段Youtube 影片測試4款不同的吉他Amp
由於音色的好壞是一個非常主觀的感覺,所以在選擇音箱的時候也建議去實體店試一試。 即使您不太懂得去操作,或者還沒有達到可以分辨差異的地步,也可以向店員尋求幫助,例如將音箱調整到差異明顯的位置 ,然後讓店員播放一段音樂,找到最匹配的最喜歡的風格。
逆月音樂為大家提供多款音箱: 了解更多
The guitar amp knowledge you need to know: Choose the best guitar Amp for yourselves
There are all kinds of guitar amplifiers in this world. To distinguish the differences, we must first understand the knowledge of amplifiers.

Basic knowledge of guitar amp
Amp is the abbreviation of Amplifer, which stands for amplification, which means that the speaker amplifies the electronic signal transmitted by the electric guitar strings and then broadcasts it at a higher volume. The guitar amp is mainly composed of three parts: the Per-Amp, Power Amp, and the speaker cabinet.
  • Per-Amp is responsible for the first stage of signal processing, accepting electronic signals and distorting their signals. It includes signal gain (gain), adjustment of each rate (timbre), and effect processing (reverb), etc.
  • Post amplifier or power amplifier (Power Amp). Responsible for amplifying the signal processed by the pre-amplifier. When the volume is louder, the power required is greater. The sound quality depends to a certain extent on the post-amplifier.
  • The size of the speaker cabinet or speaker will affect the bass reflection. But usually this part has been researched and designed by the manufacturer, and the buyer does not need to care too much.
To put it simply, the Per-Amp accepts electronic signals, the Post amplifier amplifies the signal, and the speaker cabinet actually plays the sound.
Vacuum tubes, transistors, digital circuit
In different guitar amps, different core components are used to build the amplifier circuit, which can be divided into three categories:
  1. Vacuum tube: The warmest and simple sound is the favorite of rock and blues musicians. The speaker uses vacuum tube in the preamplifier and power amplifier circuit.
  2. Transistor: A speaker using a transistor has a sharp tone, is lighter than a vacuum tube, and has a longer lifespan
  3. Digital circuit: A newer product that uses digital amplification, low power consumption, clean sound, and most built-in synthetic effects.

The main points of buying a guitar amp
There are many different types of guitar amps. The style of playing performance and the playing environment are both important factors in choosing a guitar amp.

Select from a spatial perspective


  • For home or practice use: small models of 10-20W. When playing at home, presumptuously amplifying the volume is impossible. Even if you buy a medium-sized speaker, you can only use a small volume, resulting in poor performance, so a small model of 10-20W will be most suitable.
  • Recording studio, or soundproofed space: 30-50W medium-sized speakers. It can present a close-to-real sound, and can also provide enough volume in some small venues, which is suitable for more capable players.
  • Large concert venue: 100W products. Suitable for people who are semi-professional or capable of holding concerts. It is also suitable to show a performance that shocks the audience, and rock music often has such an effect. 



The importance of speakers
Although you can play an electric guitar without connecting speakers, if the sound is too low during practice, it will eventually have various adverse effects on the player. For example, the velocity used when playing, the velocity of the vibrato, the pitch of the bend, and the control of the chords. Because the effect of connecting speakers is always different, so in order not to waste your practice, be sure to use speakers

Even if the sound insulation of the home is not perfect, some products can be directly equipped with headphones, which can completely avoid causing interference to neighbors.


The following Youtube video tests 4 different guitar amps


Since the sound quality is a very subjective feeling, it is also recommended to go to a physical store to try it when choosing speakers. Even if you don’t know how to operate, or you haven’t reached the point where you can distinguish the difference, you can ask the store clerk for help, such as adjusting the speaker to a position where the difference is obvious, and then let the clerk play a piece of music to find the most matching favorite style.

Six Months Rebellion provides you with a variety of Guitar Amp: Learn more