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擁有所有效果器不受限制地彈奏: 你只需要iRig
iRig 是甚麼?
iRig 是由一間名為 IK Multimedia的公司所研發的「行動裝置&樂器、麥克風的『轉接介面』」系列產品
簡潔而言iRig就是負責將你的樂器連接上你的行動裝置 ( iphone、mac、android、ipad…) 錄音、表演,再加上可以插耳機收聽,代表你同時彈奏亦不會吵到別人。
但真正讓iRig珍貴並發揮到極致的不是單單是他的轉接功能,當iRig配上專門研發的吉他效果軟體 Amplitube Free 或其他音色軟體,令你可以做出任何的音色,再也不需要自備一堆效果器並想著如何串接了。只需一支吉他、一個iRig、一部手機就可以了。
iRig 的由來
雖然iRig 是i字起頭,但它不是apple的產品。事實上是來自IK Multimedia,它位於義大利的工業名鎮 摩德納,當地出產法拉利、藍寶堅尼。
(圖片來源: https://www.ikmultimedia.com/index.php)
IK multimedia的logo,IK融合中文「天」的字。
他們試用著身邊現有的設備,模擬出接近類比的音色,開始踏上了開創 IK Multimedia之路,公司以方便使用,造福音樂人能隨時發揮創作的極致為目標,而他們以全自動化高科技技術生產。
創造了一系列的革命性產品:與行動裝置銜接的錄音介面(iRig)、行動喇叭、行動麥克風、效果器軟體音箱 ( Amplitube 4 )等等。
初代的iRig 成為了世界上第一個將吉他、貝斯等樂器連接上iphone的「轉接口」。
由初代iRig 到現在推了多款型號,以下簡單介紹幾款常見的。
型號 |
詳細功能(比較) |
iRig |
iRig 2 |
iRig Acoustic |
iRig HD |
iRig Pro duo |
iRig Pro |
iRig 的實際操作
iRig 是一個構造非常簡單的工具:
現在能夠與iRig 的app或介面已經有很多選擇
裝置 |
另一段iRig Acoustic + AmpliTube Demo
Tonebridge Demo
JamUp、Deplike、Ableton Live 10 Lite Demo
Have all the effects and play without restrictions: all you need is iRig
If you have never heard of iRig, you absolutely need to know iRig. Its existence is the gospel for guitarists.
If you are considering which effect you want to use, you may wish to learn about iRig.
If you want to be able to play without geographical restrictions, you can easily play at all times. You need to know iRig.
What is iRig?
iRig is a series of products developed by a company called IK Multimedia, and iRig is the Interface of Mobile devices & musical instruments, microphones.
To put it simply, iRig is responsible for connecting your musical instrument to your mobile device (iphone, mac, android, ipad…) for recording and performance, plus you can plug in headphones to listen, which means that you will be playing at the same time and will not disturb others.
iRig helps you make music production and performance easier, more casual, and less geographically restricted. This is great news for music creators or performers.
But it’s not just its transfer function that makes iRig precious and to its extreme. When iRig is paired with the specially developed guitar effect software Amplitube Free or other sound software, you can make any sound without having real effectors. Prepare a bunch of effects and think about how to connect them in series. All you need is a guitar, an iRig, and a mobile phone.
The origin of iRig
Although iRig starts with the word i, it is not an Apple product. In fact, it comes from IK Multimedia, which is located in Modena, a famous industrial town in Italy, where Ferrari and Lamborghini are produced locally.
(Picture Source: https://www.ikmultimedia.com/index.php)
The logo of IK multimedia, IK integrates the Chinese character "天".
In 1996, two recording engineers in Italy encountered a problem in their recording studio. In order to solve the problem, they began to figure out how to simulate traditional circuits through digital signals and obtain the same sound as physical speakers.
They tried out existing equipment around them, simulated sounds close to the analogy, and began to embark on the road of creating IK Multimedia. The company aims to be convenient to use and benefit musicians to be able to achieve the ultimate in creation at any time, and they use fully automated high-tech technology for manufacture.
Created a series of revolutionary products: recording interface (iRig) connected with mobile devices, mobile speakers, mobile microphones, effector software speakers (Amplitube 4) and so on.
Not only is the price reasonable, small in size, and easy to use, it also allows musicians to create and perform at any time.
iRig guitar series
The original iRig became the world's first "interface" to connect guitars, bass and other musical instruments to the iphone.
From the original iRig to the present, many models have been introduced. The following briefly introduces a few common ones.
Model |
Detailed functions (comparison) |
iRig |
iRig 2 |
iRig Acoustic |
iRig HD |
iRig Pro duo |
iRig Pro |
The actual operation of iRig
iRig is a very simple tool:
1. Plug your musical instrument into an "input hole": guitar, electric guitar, bass,
2. Connect the earphone to the other "output hole"
3. Plug the end with "wire" into your phone/plate/computer
*Please note*
iRig is limited to recording and practice. There is no equipment for directly plugging in speakers. If you want to perform directly, you need iRig2 or a newer model
There are already many options for interacting with iRig’s app or interface
Devices |
Slash using AmpliTube Demo
iRig Acoustic + AmpliTube Demo
Tonebridge Demo
JamUp、Deplike、Ableton Live 10 Lite Demo
Various effect apps are very realistic and can do the function of any real effect device. I believe that in the future, this app or interface will only get closer and closer to real effects, or even replace them.