







破音是把吉他的音增幅,造成一個扭曲/震撼效果,音的持久性會增加。這是電吉他手solo時常用的效果,會增加聽眾的注意力。常見的破音/失真效果有Fuzz,Stomp 等等



過載效果器是較輕微的破音/失真,效果會增加音量和溫暖度,常見的有Crunch 這一類幫你吉他音色加辣或增加“不乾淨”的效果



混響效果器是增加電吉他的空間感的效果,一般叫Hall Effect,讓你彈奏的音質好像在廣闊的大球場或者在細小的房間,都是很不一樣的味道










– 半音階 vs 非半音階的調音器

半音階調音器顧名思義能夠調整吉他音到半音階的程度,比如說你能把E 調到 E#, 或者Eb


– 夾子調音器



在效果器的一節中提過的調音器,重點是你需要Jack 線插到這個調音器的Input, Output到下一個效果器或者到Amplifier


-Polyphonic 調音器






和木吉他弦一樣,電吉他弦有不同的Gauge,比較小數值的Gauge 像09|42 聲音比較單薄,但彈奏是反應可以靈敏點,退弦較容易不花力氣



電吉他弦可以有不同的纏繞,比如說Roundwound 就是較粗的456弦有細線圍繞著核心弦,而Flatwound 就是表面在鍍上一層金屬薄片讓表面平滑,彈奏的音色更圓潤溫暖


有分Nickel 和Nickel-Plated 這些分類,Nickel的音色會比較溫暖,Nickel-Plated 的音色比較亮麗














-Rolling Capo/ Slider

Rolling Capo是可以在指板上調整夾住的品的變調夾,意思是你可以隨意在彈奏期間敏捷地再升降Key,有聽Sungha Jung -My Heart Will Go On 一曲你就能開聽到他神奇的再透過Rolling Capo升調



Some guitar accessories will undoubtedly require other optional items that will make your life easier. In this session, I'd like to provide you with some guidance on all of these topics. It's a good idea to sort these out at some time, but you don't have to do so before you get started—all you actually need is a guitar and some picks to get started.

If you play Electric Guitar, there are a few items you'll want to buy from Six Months Rebellion Music to play your music sweetly.

1. Pedals 

Guitars have more accessories than almost anything else on the earth, so it's easy to become lost.

Pedals, like different guitars, have distinct timbres and tones – and using them successfully allows you as a guitarist to make an idea or song really stand out.

Organize your guitar effects with these pedalboards that fit any budget.

Tuner Pedal

A tuner pedal is unquestionably the most vital item to have on your pedalboard, despite its dull appearance. You'll sound terrible no matter how good the rest of your pedals are if you're not in tune!

Distortion Pedal

Getting a separate pedal may not be essential if you already have an amp with a built-in distortion channel. On the other hand, a distortion stompbox will cause havoc if your amp only has one channel or can't produce a lot of gain.

Overdrive Pedal

When it comes to sound, there's a fine line between distortion and overdrive. Simply enough, a distortion pedal produces a lot of dirt, but an overdrive pedal produces a low-gain crunch. The sheer number of overdrive pedals available will astound you, just like their distortion counterparts. However, several well-known models have led the way for years, if not decades.

Reverb Pedal

You won't need a reverb pedal if your amp already has the effect built-in, just like you won't need a distortion pedal (not in terms of how it sounds!). If not, this type of pedal will add melodic space and richness to your sound.

A reverb pedal, for example, simulates the echo that occurs when a sound is produced in a big space, such as a hall. Reverb is commonly employed in music production. A reverb pedal will deepen your guitar's sound by adding an ambient trail, which is especially effective when used with clean amp settings.

Delay Pedal

A delay pedal, like reverb, is a time-based effect that repeats your guitar sound. While that description may not sound attractive, a delay pedal is difficult to top as a creative instrument.


It's essential to tune up your guitar! When you're starting to play, it's easy to be discouraged when you strum a chord, and everything sounds incorrect. This can be due to poor technique; it is more typically due to the guitar being out of tune. A guitar tuner is must-have equipment, especially when starting because you need to know that if your playing isn't sounding correct, it's because of you, not your instrument. Because there are so many different guitar tuners to choose from, we've put together this guide to help you figure out which one is right for you.

  • Tuners that are chromatic vs. non-chromatic

The term "chromatic tuner" is the first source of potential misunderstanding. This can be found on some tuners, but not all. What exactly does this imply? A non-chromatic guitar tuner, on the other hand, is solely designed to tune a guitar in standard EADGBE tuning. For example, when you play a low E, the tuner should recognize that you're trying to tune that string and indicate how sharp or flat it regards the note E. The tuning of a chromatic tuner is shown about the nearest semi-tone (i.e., the nearest note in the chromatic scale). This implies you may tune to various guitar tunings or tune instruments other than a guitar using a chromatic tuner.

The most common guitar tuners are compact 'box' models with a built-in microphone for tuning acoustic guitars and a jack input for tuning electric guitars. The operation of a clip-on tuner is slightly different. It contains a built-in contact microphone. This is capable of detecting very low-level vibrations.

  • Pedal tuners

While clip-on guitar tuners may be more handy for acoustic guitar players, pedal tuners are designed for guitarists who utilize amplifiers  to play electric or electro-acoustic guitars. These are housed in a chassis that resembles a guitar effects pedal, but they lack a built-in microphone and rely on the player to connect the guitar to it through a jack connection.

  • Polyphonic tuners

Polyphonic tuners are a relative innovation in the world of guitars. With their Polytune pedal, TC Electronics was the first to introduce the technology. Stand guitar tuners let the user tune a guitar one string at a time. In contrast, a polyphonic tuner allows the musician to strum the open strings while simultaneously viewing the individual tuning of each string.


Electric guitar strings come in a variety of gauges or thicknesses. In addition to other aspects like string material, the thickness of an electric guitar string has a significant impact on playability and sound.

  • Choosing the best strings is a difficulty faced by all guitarists and bassists. D'Addario and Elixir are two of the best string producers, but which is the greatest?

  • When picking between the two, you must take into account several things. Guitarists and bassists demand three traits from their strings: tone, feel, and durability.

  • D'Addario's XL strings are a fantastic choice if you desire a deep, warm tone. On the other hand, Elixir creates strings that are both smooth and sensitive, with a sharp attack.


Do you need a guitar strap for your electric guitar? Which one do you think you should pick? A guitar strap is a musical device that attaches to a guitar and keeps it securely on the guitarist's body while performing. It's critical to choose the correct electric guitar strap before making a purchase.

  • There are many different guitar straps, each with its own material, breadth, and padding. Leather with an extra shoulder cushion attachment is the most comfortable.

  • Although a wide guitar strap may handle a large instrument well, you may want to consider a strap with additional soft cushioning to relieve pressure and strain on your shoulder.

  • A normal guitar strap is between 40 and 60 inches long. People recommend that if you play bass, you wear a strap that is roughly 70 inches long.

  • Guitar straps are typically 2 inches wide on the thin side of the guitar and 4 inches wide on the thick side.

5. CAPO 

A capo is a tiny clamp that is attached to the fretboard of a guitar. As a result, the strings are barred, resulting in a lower string length. That is to say; it raises the pitch of the instrument. It's very simple to use a capo; all you have to do is clip it onto whichever fret you want and start playing!

There are numerous different varieties of capos, and each one produces a different set of sounds. Capos are good to have on hand so you can try new things. A capo is a terrific gadget to acquire if you have a string instrument and want to mess around with the pitch. Let's take a look at the five most prevalent capos and their functions.

  1. A clamp capo – The clamp capo is the most common capo on the market. It clamps onto the guitar's neck, simultaneously barring all six strings, and it may be readily withdrawn. It will almost always have a spring mechanism.

  2. A Glider Capo - like the picture shown above it is a capo that can slide from fret to fret during the song, which is for changing key during a song easily.